Eve didn’t need to scroll through thousands of words of legalese to get to an ‘Accept’ button or tick a checkbox to acknowledge that actions have consequences.

Method Eat(IBearsSeeds food)
  if (food is Fruit AND food.Tree.Location == Garden.Middle)
      HumanBeing.DeathEnabled = true

When it comes to technology, death can mean different things. A battery can be dead, but this is often only temporary–until it’s charged again. Open-source software may be described as dead, meaning it’s no longer updated or supported. Or, a project may be described as being on a “death march” as it slowly plods towards completion (or abandonment and failure.)

For Adam and Eve, death meant a life that wasn’t what the creator intended.

A similar situation happens with software too. People use it in ways that are unexpected and sometimes in ways they’ve explicitly been told not to.
When people do this, there may be consequences, but that doesn’t need to be the end of everything. There’s also the option for someone else to come along later and fix things.

Who ate the apple?
We both did.
But it was Eve's idea.

Human knowledge of events can be biased, flawed, or incomplete, which is why God invented audit logs.

Unfortunately, an audit log doesn’t always explain why something happened or give the reason for making specific changes. Most version control systems contain a Blame command to show who made each change. There isn’t always value in knowing who made a specific action that led to the situation a team finds themselves in. What’s more important is recognizing that the consequences of the activities of one person fall upon the whole team. Sometimes these issues can be avoided by having others review a change or verify an action before it occurs, but mistakes and errors can still slip through. Rather than focusing on blame, instead work together to move forward with finding a fix or solution.