King Nebuchadnezzar opened a new issue

It's not working!



Astrologers commented

If you can please tell us what's wrong and we'll advise on how to fix it.


King Nebuchadnezzar commented


You, tell me what's wrong AND how to fix it, then I'll give you a massive bonus.

If not, I'll fire you!


Astrologers commented

We're sorry you're having problems. If you can give us a way to reproduce the problems you're experiencing we can advise accordingly.


King Nebuchadnezzar commented

Stop stalling.

I need a fix NOW!


Astrologers commented

We're very sorry but we don't know what's wrong. No one alive could know.


King Nebuchadnezzar commented

You're all fired!


Arioch commented

@Daniel are you aware of this?


Daniel commented

@KingNeb I think I can solve this but I need some time.

@MeetingBot Schedule a meeting with @Shadrach @Meshach @Abednego -subject: Kings Dream -Message: We need to pray about this.

The next day.


Daniel commented

@KingNeb @GOD has revealed the problem and the solution.

The problem is in dream.exe, the corporate planning and forecasting tool.

The tool is forecasting that the next four managers of the company will make things progressively worse until the company has to close.

This is not an error.

There is nothing you can do about it.


King Nebuchadnezzar commented

That is what I was seeing.

@HR give @Daniel a promotion.


Daniel commented

@KingNeb, @Shadrach @Meshach and @Abednego also assisted me.

If you are thanking me, some appreciation should also be shown to them.

I think they'd make great administrators.


King Nebuchadnezzar commented

@HR promote @Shadrach @Meshach and @Abednego to administrators over the whole of Babylon.