The Ten Commandments
Exodus 20:1-7 | Deuteronomy 5:4-21
while (true)
GOD.Priority = BigInteger.MaxValue
You.AllowedTo<MakeImageForWorship>() => false
if (You.MisuseGodsName)
You.Guiltless = false
You.CanWork() => Now.DayOfWeek < 7
if (You.HonorsFather && You.HonorsMother)
You.WillLiveLongInLandOfTheLord = true
You.AllowedTo<CommitMurder>() => false
You.AllowedTo<CommitAdultery>() => false
You.AllowedTo<Steal>() => false
You.AllowedTo<Lie>() => false
You.AllowedTo<Covet>() => false
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